Transcending Jewish Trauma with Jo Kent Katz
Clarissa digs into a topic that has come up in many of the conversations on this podcast; Intergenerational Trauma. The study of this phenomenon is relatively new, but it’s resonated with many Jews whose ancestors’ survived violence and persecution. To take a closer look at this, she talks to Jo Kent Katz, a Therapist, Ritualist, and Political Educator. In 2020, Jo launched a website called “Transcending Jewish Trauma” to help Jews unpack and heal from inherited unconscious beliefs and behaviors associated with ancestral trauma. Included on the website is a map that explores the many manifestations of collective trauma experienced by white Ashkenazi Jews living in the US.

Judaism without Patriarchy, #metoo, and Welcoming Jews of all Genders, with Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg
Clarissa talks with Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg about the influence of the patriarchy on Judaism and how it impacts gender roles in Jewish spaces today. In the early 2000s, Rabbi Kinberg had to act as a whistleblower in a sexual abuse case involving a clergy member. Clarissa asks Rabbi Kinberg about that experience, and her approach to leading tough conversations on gender equality and justice within the larger Jewish community.

The Caged Bird Tweets of Freedom: Black Jewish Life and Twitter, with Jesi Taylor Cruz
Clarissa talks to journalist and graduate student of philosophy Jesi Taylor Cruz about her paper “The Caged Bird Tweets of Freedom: On the Digital Hypervisibility of Black Jewish life.” They discuss race and racism in the Jewish community, and the ways in which digital spaces, and Black, Jewish Twitter (Jwitter), in particular, has offered Black Jews a way to build community on a global scale.