Feminist and Full of Chutzpah w/Alma Editor Molly Tolsky
Clarissa talks with Molly Tolsky, longtime editor of Kveller and the founding editor of the Jewish culture site, Alma. Alma describes itself as feminist, and full of chutzpah. They cover a wide range of topics and something about them makes you feel like you're just hanging out with a really cool friend. This interview was recorded in January 2020. Molly talks about her creative journey, the story of how Alma came to be, and how her personal Jewish identity has been influenced by her work in the Jewish media world.

Hebrew Tattoos w/Artist and Calligrapher Gabriel Wolff
Clarissa talks with artist and calligrapher, Gabriel Wolff. They talked about his journey to finding his niche as a Hebrew calligrapher, specifically for tattoo art, and the ways that Jews are using tattoos to wrestle with and communicate their individual and group identity. Gabriel also shared how he sees his art as part of our collective struggle as Jews to find a way past a "post-traumatic experience of life.”

White Jews & Race w/Dr. Elliot Ratzman
Clarissa talks to Dr. Elliot Ratzman, a professor in Jewish studies, race, and social justice in religion. They discuss the contemporary intersection of white Jews and race, including the questions you weren’t sure how to ask, like “What race are white Jews?”, “How should they partner with other minorities for civil rights?”, and “How does modern antisemitism come into play?” Dr. Ratzman shares the history behind these questions, the importance of self-identification, and his thoughts on Jewish ethics in regards to racial justice.

American Jewish Fiction w/Heather Paul
Clarissa shares the very first conversation she recorded for the podcast and it’s all about American Jewish Fiction. She talks to rabbinical student (and book lover) Heather Paul about how Jewish novels inspired her to become a professional Jew, and we try to answer the question, “what IS Jewish fiction?” Stay tuned to hear high praise for some amazing books.